Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Like the "Fugitive"

I'm the bad guy in this one. Or at least I'm wanted by the police for something I didn't do of course.
I was trying to convince the cop I was innocent, ending without much sway.
It seemed like it was right out of the movie "Fugitive" if you've ever seen that movie?
Anyway, instead of a bus it was a subway train we were in. But we were outdoors and we were derailed. Unfortunately we were still in the way of the locomotive that was coming at us. I took that as my chance to barely escape.
Unlike the movie though, I didn't save the guy who needed to be saved.
I narrowly got out between two of the subway cars and ran for my life.
Not ever looking back.

A very small part of my dream but thats all I can remember.

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